President of the European Council,
His Excellency Mr Donald Tusk
Dear President Tusk,
Reference UK PM May’s letter of 29 March 2017 Paragraph
3, Line 1
"I am writing to give effect to the democratic decision of
the people of the United Kingdom. I hereby notify the
European Council in accordance with Article 50(2) ..."
The UK's decision was Not democratic. The Brexit referendum
was heavily gerrymandered.
3.7 million British abroad were dis-franchised, including
750,000+ British resident over 15 years in the EU.
If millions of British citizens had not been dis-franchised,
the referendum result might have been Remain, not Leave the
Commonwealth & S. Irish citizens resident in the UK were
also eligible to vote as usual.
Britain's democratic deficit includes:
- Denying 3.7 million electors the right to vote.
- Denying exising constituency representative MPs to the
3.7 million.
- Denying any say to the 750K British in Europe most
- Denying constituency MPs to represent British Abroad (pro rata: 40
for Brits abroad globaly, of which 10 for Brits in
- Electorate misled by media campaigns sponsored by very
wealthy Brexit sponsors desperate to leave the EU before EU's
anti tax haven laws starts;
- Foreign Minister Johnson's Brexit falsehood refuted by
office of statistics
- Prime Minister buying N Ireland MPs votes expensively for
- parliaments select committee censoring Brexit DExEU
Minister for hiding impact reports they stipulated be
prepared ;
Gone is the cross party free votes of the advisory (not
mandatory) referendum; since the
Brexit margin of 1.27 million, (polls since ahve swung from
Leave to Remain.) A kleptocracy of power obsessed leaders cow
MPs with whip enforcers.
The UK Supreme Court accepted dis-franchising millions was
legal, letting the UK government retain internationally
sub-standard "democracy", Not compliant to civilised European
Among all EU member states, only UK & Eire deny citizens
votes abroad, (Germany may in circumstances after 25 years,
Greece was taken to court & stopped), see report:
Millions of dis-franchised British, abused by the UK, hope
for help from the EU.
Re British citizens in EU, please inform the UK government :
- The UK government's claim of "democratic decision"
is seen as false by the UK's own British citizens in Europe
& others.
Real democracy is not denying 3.7 million British citizens
the vote, especially denying any vote to 750,000+ British
most affected, resident in the EU.
- UK's Brexit referendum is not seen as democratic until
the UK holds a first Full Democratic Referendum, no longer
excluding British residents in the EU that Brexit most
heavily impacts.
- A UK government claiming to speak on behalf of 750,000
British in the EU whose right to vote the UK deprived, whose
right to constituency MPs it also deprived, is False:
The UK mugger cannot represent its British victims!
Only elected EU MEPs can represent us, not the abusive UK
- The EU debates invoking
Article 7 against Hungary & Poland, yet the EU does
not remind the UK that Article 7.1 should protect another
minority: British citizens resident in the EU abused by
- British citizens in the EU dis-trust the UK government,
& deprecate the bad deal UK offers EU citizens in the UK;
Brits in the EU trust the EU to continue to provide us what
we had before, plus ...
British citizens in the EU request the EU offer us direct EU
citizenship, not just indirect via an EU host country where
currently resident
- British abroad are a minority abused by the UK
Government. We ask the EU to protect us from the UK, before
the UK government forces Brexit, which will also deprive us
of our last democratic right, to vote for MEPs.
- That the British government has long been against EU
citizenship is of no further consequence, they wish to leave
the EU, & cannot veto what the EU offers the day after UK
leaves the EU, & UK already abuses British citizens
abroad in the EU. We ask for EU citizenship to protect
against a hostile abusive UK.
Yours Sincerely